Thursday, 27 January 2011

Christian Pride Month

During this month introduce Christianity into the classroom but do so in a subtle way.Talk about the faith of Pasteur in biology,of Ampere in physics, of Pascal in maths etc.And turn that month into a year.

Saturday, 22 January 2011

On tolerance and free speech

I became a Catholic because people were prepared to criticize my pro-choice views and a whole array of other views.They did so with charity and clarity.I thank God for them.That was 25 years ago.If it happens now,I can report them.What a difference 25 years make.In our age of political correctness,we have to be careful what we say in public.There are exceptions to the rule-attacking the Catholic Church,for example.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

If Sarah Palin is responsible for the unrest in the USA

Then are secularists responsible for the unrest in the UK?

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

A Dream

The Radio 4 broadcaster asked the Catholic bishop if the Chuch will change Her teaching on abortion homosexuality contraception and women priests.The bishop answered no no no and no.I then woke up.