Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Abortion 2008

The recent events ought to convince us that there is at present not much of a pro-life presence in Parliament. Even those who campaigned to reduce the upper limit have turned out to be entirely in favour of abortion on demand as long as the unborn child is not a graphic reminder of who he or she is. A number of "catholics " have also stated their belief that abortion should be safe, legal and rare - unaware that these are precisely the sentiments of President Clinton.
In order to be truly counter - cultural, we need to be formed according to what may be refered to as a Catechesis in the Catacombs.

Pope Bendict and Geza Vermes

Geza vermes is an ex-catholic priest who has written a rather bitter review of Pope Benedict's book Jesus of Nazareth. Perhaps this is not suprising as Vermes has spent the last few decades trying to convice us that there is a difference between the Jesus of history and Christ of faith. In contrast, Pope Benedict reminds us that the Jesus of history is truely the Christ of faith. Jesus really knew who He is. He truly rose from the dead. The Gospels are to be entirely trusted.
What Pope Benedict is saying is that our faith and our hope are to be based solidly on the Word made flesh who dwelt among us.