Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Induced abortion and mental health

What are we to make of the new Draft consultation paper from the College of Psychiatrists? At 118 pages it is certainly detailed. Unlike the blatantly pro-abortion RCOG draft consultation,it attempts at balance. For example, it is reasonably critical of reviews (Charles and American Psychological Association) that dismiss links between abortion and mental ill health.It also states that "if women who have an abortion show a negative emotional reaction to the abortion or experience a stressful life event,support and monitoring should be offered as they are likely than others to develop a mental health problem." It states that "mental health outcomes are likely to be the same whether women with unwanted pregnancies opt for abortion or birth."This makes a mockery of the 1967 Abortion Act which allows for abortion in order to improve the mental health of a woman with an unwanted pregnancy. However,there are many reasons to be critical of the draft consultation paper. I urge people to read it on the College of Psychiatrists website and respond to it.

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