Sunday, 27 April 2008

About Me

My name is Pravin Thevathasan. I converted to the Catholic faith some years ago after many years in the Agnostic fold. Before my conversion, I spent some years studying the Hindu and Buddhist religions and my studies have left me with a certain respect for these religious traditions.
I am also ecumenical minded. I believe that, as orthodox Catholics, we have more in common with Eastern Orthodox Christians and Evangelical Christians than with liberal Catholics.
I am not at present a member of one particular movement within the Church. I deeply appreciate my many contacts with various Catholic movements including the Dominicans, the Oratorians, Opus Dei etc. The priest who has perhaps most influenced me is a Jesuit named Fr. Thwaites.
I have named this site after St Cosmas who, like me, is a physician. My nom de plume is Joseph Matthew as I like these two saints. My favourite theologians are Aquinas and Newman.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to blogging Pravin. Hey we have a Catholic psychiatrist! I promise NOT to ask you any medical questions!!

Rita said...

I wish you well with your blogging, Pravin.

Kit said...

Welcome Pravin! Please stop over any time at By the Brook

DrMatthewDoyle said...

How good to see you on the blogosphere! I hope we will meet again soon, we have so much to talk about!!