Wednesday, 23 April 2008

The College of Psychiatrists and Abortion

Lord David Steele, who now claims to listen to the medical profession, did not do much listening back in 1967 when both the British Medical Association and the RCOG were both opposed to making abortion legal. The College of Psychiatrists was the most pro-abortion of the colleges back then. The College had denied that women are significantly affected by abortion.
Until now. The College now recognises that there are some studies that indicate that women suffer depression and other psycho;ogical disorders as a result of abortion. What is truly significant is the recent College statement that there are no psychiatric indications for abortion.
Which begs the question why so many abortions in Britain take place for reasons of mental health?


joannaB73 said...

Interesting post - welcome to the Catholic Blogging world!

Rosemary said...

This is encouraging.

Rosario said...

Interesting to see that after the so called 'sexual revolution " of the 60's the number of people suffering from anxiety disorders has increased at a disturbing rate.

Btw, great blog, I hope to see more in the future! :)